Ghassan Moazzin


      PhD, University of Cambridge
      Assistant Professor
      Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences
      School of Humanities (History), Faculty of Arts
      The University of Hong Kong


      Ghassan Moazzin is Assistant Professor at the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the Department of History. He was educated at the University of Cambridge, where he received both his B.A. (2012) and Ph.D. (2017). Before coming to Hong Kong, he was a JSPS International Research Fellow at the Graduate School of Economics of the University of Tokyo. He has also been a visiting scholar at East China Normal University in Shanghai and the Institute of Modern History at Academia Sinica in Taipei. His doctoral dissertation won both the Coleman Prize of the Association of Business Historians and the Herman E. Krooss Prize of the Business History Conference. It was also a finalist for the Dissertation Prize (Category: The Long 19th Century) of the World Economic History Congress 2018.

      Moazzin’s research deals with the economic and business history of modern China and the global history of capitalism. He has previously worked on the history of foreign banks, international finance and economic globalisation in late 19th and early 20th century China. His research has been published in Cross-Currents, Modern Asian Studies, Business History Review and Enterprise & Society. His first monograph, Foreign Banks and Global Finance in Modern China: Banking on the Chinese Frontier, 1870 – 1919, was recently published by Cambridge University Press. In 2023, the book was a finalist for the Hagley Prize in Business History. In 2024, it received an honourable mention for the Ralph Gomory Prize and was the co-winner of the First Monograph Prize in Economic and/or Social History of the Economic History Society. He was also awarded the Faculty Research Award for Junior Tenure-track Professoriate Staff (for cumulative research activity over a 3-year period) for 2024. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. His new research project deals with the history of the electrical and electronics industries in modern China.


      Address: Room 110, May Hall, The University of Hong Kong
      Tel: (852) 3917-8110
      Fax: (852) 2559-6143

      Personal Webpage:

      Selected Publications



      “International Business Interactions in Modern China”. Forum in Modern Asian Studies 54, No. 3 (2020), guest editor.


      With Li Wenjie, “Dehua yinhang niandu baogao (1897 – 1902)” (Chinese Translation of the Annual Reports of the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank (1897 – 1902)), Jindaishi ziliao (Sources in Modern Chinese History) 137 (2018):  87-117.


      CCGL9069 - Multinationals and the Global Economy

      MFWM7001 - History of Wealth and Financial Markets

      HIST2096 The History of European Business in China

      HIST2176 Doing Business in Modern China, 1800 – 1949

      HIST2177 The Economic History of Modern China, 1800 to the Present

      IHSS6001 Research Seminar on East Asian Culture

      Student Supervision at HKIHSS

      Zhang Junfeng, MPhil graduate, HKIHSS, 2024

      Wu Jiarui, PhD Student, HKIHSS, 2023-

      Zhang Yunfei, PhD Student, HKIHSS, 2024-