Xin Su 苏昕
PhD, Harvard University
Assistant Professor
Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Chinese, Faculty of Arts
The University of Hong Kong
Xin Su is Assistant Professor at the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of Chinese. He was educated at the Harvard University, where he received his M.A. (2020), Ph.D. (2024), and at the Wuhan University, where he received his B.A. (2015), and M. A. (2018). His doctoral research focus on the lithic and ceramic technology, with emphasis on the interaction between resources, environment, and society during the Bronze Age in China.
Furthermore, he participated in the excavation of many sites from the Neolithic to the historical period. He is currently conducting research in the Middle Yangtze River (长江中游) in China, where he is investigating a research on the production of lithics and ceramics. In addition, as one the directors, he is running an archaeology summer school at the Panlongcheng site (盘龙城遗址) in Wuhan, collaborating with the Wuhan University, Panlongcheng Site Museum, and Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology.
Su’s research works have been published both in Chinese and English peer-reviewed journals, including some studies on bronzes, such as bronze vessels unearthed from Panlongcheng site and SuizhongMijia Ding (随仲芈加鼎) from a personal collection (but recently excavation in Suizhou [随州], China shows that this Ding should belong to a royal cemetery of Zeng State [曾国] in Western Zhou [东周]), some studies on lithic production, ancient landscape as well as paleoenvironment at the Panlongcheng site, and social interactions in the northeastern China. In November 2024, his first monograph on the study of stone and jade artifacts from the Panlongcheng site will be published by Science Press.
SU Xin 苏昕, and JING Zhichun 荆志淳. The study of stones and jades in the Panlongcheg site(盘龙城玉石器研究). Science Press (科学出版社), 2024 (In Press).
Journal Article
SU Xin 苏昕and TANG Xiaojia 唐小佳. A study on the tombs of the Erlitou site from a quantitative prospective (计量视角下的二里头遗址墓葬研究). Huaxia Archaeology (华夏考古), Accepted.
SUN Zhuo 孙卓, PENG Weiwei 彭苇苇, SU Xin 苏昕 (2024). Cultural Factors of Pottery at Panlongcheng and the Production Context (盘龙城遗址出土陶器的文化因素及其反映的生产背景). Cultural Relics in Southern China (南方文物) (3): 115-126.
Tang, Xiaojia, Shui Shen, and Xin Su*. 2022. “From Rammed Earth to Stone Wall: Chronological Insight into the Settlement Change of the Lower Xiajiadian Culture.” PloS One 17 (8): e0273161. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0273161.
Su, Xin*, Xiaojia Tang, Qiushi Zou, Changping Zhang. "Stones from the Bronze Age: Raw materials and exploration of the stone artifacts from Panlongcheng" Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 40: 103259; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103259
Su, Xin, Qiushi Zou*, Shuchun Yao, Chunhai Li, Sanyuan Zhu, Cangping Zhang. "Mapping Panlongcheng: New Work on the Type-Site of the Early Shang Period (1500-1300 BC) in Hubei Province. China." Land, 10 (10), 1033; https://doi.org/10.3390/land10101033
Rowan FLAD, ZHOU Jing, Andrew WOMACK, Yitzchak JAFFE, Yanxi WANG, Xin SU, Pochan CHEN, Lingyu HUNG, LIU Bingbing, MAO Ruilin, Wang Hui, LI Shuicheng. "Preliminary Site Prospection Along the Tao River 2011-2013: Testing the Chinese Register of Archaeological Sites." Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 2021(82):1-52.
Womack, Andrew, Rowan Flad, Jing Zhou, Katherine Brunson, Fabian H. Toro, Xin Su, Anke Hein et al. "The Majiayao to Qijia transition: exploring the intersection of technological and social continuity and change." Asian Archaeology (2021): 1-26.
SUN Zhuo 孙卓, SU Xin 苏昕, PAN Yan 潘岩, WU Xiaohong 吴小红, CHEN Hui 陈晖, ZOU Qiushi 邹秋实, LU Jindong 路晋东(2020). (Recent Radiocarbon Dates for the Panlongcheng Site (近年来盘龙城遗址的碳十四年代测定). Jianghan Archaeology (江汉考古) 2020 (6): 103-115.
SU Xin 苏昕 (2018). Initial Exploration into the Origins and Raw Materials of the Stone Artifacts from Panlongcheng (盘龙城石器原料来源与开发的初步探索). Jianghan Archaeology (江汉考古) 2018 (5): 162-168.
ZHANG Hai 张海, WANG Hui 王辉, ZOU Qiushi 邹秋实, CHEN Hui 陈晖, SU Xin 苏昕, LIAO Hang 廖航 (2018). Researching the Changing Settlement Landscape of Panlongcheng during the Shang Dynasty (商代盘龙城聚落地貌的初步研究). Jianghan Archaeology (江汉考古) 2018 (5): 139-152.
SU Xin 苏昕 and WENG Bei 翁蓓 (2017). A Discussion on the Hierarchical Identity of SuizhongMijia Ding (试论随仲嬭加鼎反映的等级身份). Jianghan Archaeology (江汉考古) 2017 (4): 76-82.
SU Xin 苏昕 (2016). An Analysis on the Casting Defects and Remedial Means of the Bronzes from Tomb No. 26 at Yangjiazui, Panlongcheng (试析盘龙城杨家嘴遗址M26所处青铜器铸造缺陷及其补救措施). Jianghan Archaeology (江汉考古) 2016 (2): 76-79.
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